Please view our General Information Booklet for 2024.
A charter sets the direction for the school and identifies the priorities the board expects the principal to be leading.
The Education Act requires every school's board of trustees to:
The Fairfield School charter is the key-planning document for our school. It includes strategic aims and annual plans which:
Progress against Strategic Goals:
1. We aim to provide continuous development for all teaching and support staff
2. We aim to embed schoolwide literacy and numeracy approaches to enhance student achievement for all
3. We aim to further increase our capability to teach and support ākonga with diverse learning needs
Fairfield School gives effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Responsible Computer Use Agreement
Busy Bumbles is the Before and After School care provider at Fairfield School. Programme information and pricing can be found via this website link.
This takes place in 'Wharenui', the old playcentre building on Main Road, Fairfield.
Please go to School Lunches to access the link for LunchOnline and pay for your lunch options. Fairfield School does not qualify for the government's 'Lunch In Schools' programme.
All Policies and Procedures are available via our SchoolDocs portal. You can find these by going to
The username is 'fairfield', and password is '9018'.
Please note: "Copyright: Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd."
NOTE: Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a complaint will not be considered unless the correct process has been followed. You may be directed back to the staff member or principal to follow the process.
Once a formal complaint has been resolved, there are no further avenues to pursue the complaint with the school. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you are encouraged to take advice and may wish to consider contacting other agencies. See the school's 'Making a Formal Complaint or Serious Allegation' procedure by logging into SchoolDocs as per outlined instructions (above).
Please read the latest ERO report (November 2019) here
Please see the latest Annual Report (2020) here
© Fairfield School 2024 - All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy. Website by Myth.